Rimfire Silhouette
Metallic silhouette shooting is a target shooting discipline that involves shooting at metal cutouts representing game animals at varying distances. The targets used are rams, turkeys, pigs, and chickens, which are cut to different scales and set at certain distances from the shooter depending on the specific discipline.
With Smallbore Silhouette, we shoot scoped .22 caliber rifles at distances of 40, 60, 77 and 100 meters. It is a fun but very challenging sport.
With Smallbore Cowboy Rifle, we shoot lever, pump or semi-auto, tube-fed .22s with iron sights at larger targets, but the same distances.
Range setup begins at 8:00am. Range opens at 8:30 am for zeroing and practice. Matches start at 9:00 am. Three matches are held in a row, one in each class (Standard and Hunter, but most people use the same rifle for both classes) followed by the Smallbore Cowboy Rifle match. The match is open to the public.
ENTRY FEE: $5 per match
Juniors and Non-members are welcome to attend.
Contact the Match Director, John Carter
at silhouette@coastalgagunclub.com